Saturday, December 11, 2010

Four Enduring Truths

There are enduring truths about ourselves that we sometimes don't see or remember. What are they? They are truths that were recognized thousands of years ago, and have stood the test of time. Here are a four of them, and some ideas about how to use this knowledge.

Enduring Truths About Self Interest

We are self interested. When we sacrifice for others, even this is motivated by our own desires. Those desires include good feelings and wanting to see or make the world the way we want it to be. Forget this, and we become bitter trying to "do the right thing." In order to avoid this bitterness that comes with "duty", we need to see how being a good person and doing the right thing is just self interest.

We can also point out the self-interest of others when we want to correct their behavior. Tell a man he's wrong, and it isn't usually enough to change his behavior. It's better to show him his true interest - that behaving in a better way is better for HIM. Don't forget the normal and healthy self-interest in dealing with others AND with yourself.

Enduring Truths About Mistakes

Salvador Dali said, "Have no fear of perfection. You'll never reach it." Maybe you see this as negativity, but recognizing the truth is never a negative act. We all make mistakes. The greatest man or woman alive - whoever he or she is - has done some stupid things.
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