Saturday, December 18, 2010

Leading The Strategic Changes

Implementing new strategies, new directions, new objectives, is introducing change, major change, into the organisation. As such it is essential that the implementation is approached, managed, in a similar fashion to that adopted when major changes are being made. The implementation of the changes must be planned, implemented as smoothly as possible, and then be monitored and evaluated for progress and performance against the desired outcomes, objectives, that were the drivers of the change. The leader must ensure that all aspects of the changes, the new strategic plan, are managed successfully.

The leader is the change strategist, whose role is to lead, to champion the changes, to promote the vision, to keep the organisation travelling in the chosen direction, and to ensure that all those involved in implementing the changes, the strategies, perform to the best of their ability. There are a range of leadership styles that could be drawn on. Some would argue that certain changes need an autocratic, aggressive style of leadership, and, whilst there may be the need for an element of this approach, if used as a single style it rarely results in a positive post-change environment. This is the flaw in this approach, for, after the changes have been implemented, and the strategies are in place, the managers, specialists, operational employees, and all contributing stakeholders, must work together in a harmonious, positive, manner to make the desired progress and achieve the objectives. If the leadership style during the change has been harsh, unforgiving, and aggressive, it may take many months, even years, to re-establish a positive environment, a healthy, goals focused, teamwork driven culture. The only logical choice of leadership style in any major change is one that combines all the styles, but leans heavily to those which focus on a team approach. The leader adopts a flexible, responsive style, that is a blend of the consultative, participative, and democratic, leaving room for an occasional, sparing touch of the autocratic to be employed if absolutely necessary. This style will then be the foundation on which the new, changed, organisation is built on.
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Safe Drinking Water in an Emergency or Disaster

Nothing makes clearer the importance of water than a large disaster; clean, fresh water becomes more valuable than gold. It's easy to forget that without water, we just can't survive. 60 percent of our bodies are water, in fact for infants, water makes up about 80 percent of their body, so it is even more vital they have access to clean drinking water.

Unfortunately, following large-scale disasters, it's not unusual that water supplies may be cut off temporarily or be rendered unfit for consumption. Everyone should know the following tips about safe drinking water in emergency situations.

Preparedness is Everything: The advice comes over and over, but most people still are not ready when disaster hits. You must maintain a supply of clean drinking water someplace safe in your home. You can survive a week without food, if necessary, but even one or two days without water can be fatal.
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Fake Your Destiny with Great Success

Everyone talks about how to be successful through hard work and effort. Forget that! I'm going to take a different approach. I'm going to show you how to lose all your hard earned money and fake your own death (I mean destiny), and be successful at it.

Step 1: Be a Sissy-

Being a sissy has nothing to do with physical strength and everything to do with mental strength. I know you want to be successful but you're too afraid to make a commitment to your dream. You're scared to take chances. You're scared to make choices. You want everything to be perfect before you can "take a risk". Yeah, right! That day will come when Hell and my mother's famous spicy hot Sancocho soup freezes (author's note: my money is on Hell freezing over first). Nonetheless, don't do anything until one of the following has occurred: All the stars in the constellation have aligned themselves perfectly, you've spotted a once extinct Dodo bird, or someone absolutely guarantees you that you will not fail. Until one of these things are in place, don't do anything…be a sissy.

Step 2: Listen to Stupid People-

Oh, this is one of my favorite. There are two types of people out there: successful and happy. By successful, I mean someone who has a career and is financially secure. By happy I mean someone who has found their "happy place" and enjoys where they're at in life. The latter has less do with money, and more do to with life style. Knowing this, here's the key: never, I mean NEVER listen to successful or happy people. They'll just make you nauseous with their ideas and strategies for getting what you want out of life. Instead, listen to friends and family members who are either broke or unhappy. That way if you fail, and chances are that you will, you'll at a minimum have them for company. And we know that misery loves company. Also if you fail using their advice, you can always blame it on them (See Rule 9 for more details).
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Opportunity, Is That You?Opportunity, Is That You?

Opportunites abound! They are everywhere. In everything people do and say. In every positive or negative influence, an opportunity presents itself. The key is: Do you recognize it as what it truly is? An opportunity.

I think many of us get so caught up in the past, in what just happened, that we fail to recognize opportunities. When something negative influences our life, it’s easy for us to react. Some people will fall down, get right back up, and keep moving forward. Others will fall down, get hurt, and stay injured for way too long. In either case, what we fail to do is reflect and process what just happened, which in turn, causes us to fail to recognize another opportunity.

The same can be said about positive influencers. Something good happens to us, and we are too busy celebrating or being congratulated, that we fail to “see” another opportunity.
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Teach Em How To Fish!

You all remember the band Arrested Development don’t you? If not, I encourage you to give them a listen, as they produced…..a…well….an interesting sound. Their lyrics to “Give a man a fish” happen to be the inspiration for my post today.“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he’ll eat forever.”
These really are words to live by. They not only tell us how we should treat others (our children, family, friends, etc), but also how we should lead others, whether it be teammates, subordinates, or followers.

This is what leadership is all about. It’s about teaching others how to create success and achieve results on their own, as opposed to providing them success and achievments. To really be effective leaders, we have to equip others with the tools and knowledge necessary for them to strive and succeed on their own. That is, we have to “teach them how to fish.”

Think back to your leadership journey. Were you ever handed answers, achievements, or a title? If you were, then what did you learn from that experience? I would be so bold as to say “Not Much.” See, when things are handed to us (when we are given a fish) we don’t learn anything. We enjoy that success for the short term (we’ll eat for a day), but then we fall down, because nothing was instilled in us to continue striving. We didn’t have to work for it. It’s kind of like that spoiled little brat down the street that everyone knew of when they were growing up. They were entitled and lazy.
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"He Hate Me": Turning Their Bad Attitude Into Your Great Leadership Results

"He Hate Me" was the nickname of Rod Smart, a leading rusher in 2002 for the Las Vegas Outlaws of the now defunct XFL pro football league. Looking for an edge, the XFL allowed players to put nicknames on their uniforms.

"I was always saying, 'he hate me,' all through camp in Vegas," Smart said. "If I didn't get the ball, I'd talk to the other running backs and say, 'He hate me, man; this coach hate me.' I was always saying that."

Smart put He Hate Me on the back of his number 32 jersey, and now the name lives in lore, though XFL has been out of business for years.

When I first saw Rod Smart play and his "He Hate Me" jersey, I thought, "Forget about football. That's a leadership lesson!" That's because "He Hate Me" and leadership often go hand-in-hand.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

A layman's guide to home security

The world today has a plethora of advanced technological means of protecting their valuables be it jewelry, an expensive electronic gadget, piece of art, or antique that you have paid a fortune to make yours!

However, with all good things, there is something bad and security systems are no exceptions! This means technology too can fail!

Looking at the brighter side, like I said all your hard-earned valuables could be protected today without your having to worry 24/7 whether your favourite diamond ring or antique Chinese vase is no more yours when you get back home after a hard day at work!

However before you embark on a search for the best security system for your home, you need to do a reality check. Your best option is to ask your family and close friends- people you trust, about their security systems if they have one. Take a note of all the problems they may have had with their security systems since they installed them. This will help you to cross-question all the security firms that you visit and hence clear your doubts too!
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Four Enduring Truths

There are enduring truths about ourselves that we sometimes don't see or remember. What are they? They are truths that were recognized thousands of years ago, and have stood the test of time. Here are a four of them, and some ideas about how to use this knowledge.

Enduring Truths About Self Interest

We are self interested. When we sacrifice for others, even this is motivated by our own desires. Those desires include good feelings and wanting to see or make the world the way we want it to be. Forget this, and we become bitter trying to "do the right thing." In order to avoid this bitterness that comes with "duty", we need to see how being a good person and doing the right thing is just self interest.

We can also point out the self-interest of others when we want to correct their behavior. Tell a man he's wrong, and it isn't usually enough to change his behavior. It's better to show him his true interest - that behaving in a better way is better for HIM. Don't forget the normal and healthy self-interest in dealing with others AND with yourself.

Enduring Truths About Mistakes

Salvador Dali said, "Have no fear of perfection. You'll never reach it." Maybe you see this as negativity, but recognizing the truth is never a negative act. We all make mistakes. The greatest man or woman alive - whoever he or she is - has done some stupid things.
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The World's Greatest Lie

"Everyone believes the world's greatest lie..." says the mysterious old man.
"What is the world's greatest lie?" the little boy asks.
The old man replies, "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie."
(An excerpt from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A fable about following your dreams.)

Do you believe you have no control over your life? Are you who you are today, by choice or by fate? Will a change in your actions create a change in your life? Many people have given up on their dreams... they say, "Dreaming is only for the rich. When you have money, you can dream. When you have no money, don't dream."

That's true... not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon. If you are lacking in funds, it's going to be difficult to start living life the way you want to. Money buys you freedom to follow your passions. But you don't have to give up on your dreams, just because you lack money. Depending on where you are brought up, you will face limitations depending on your family finance, culture, and environment. Some of us are born to have easy lives, while some are born to take a more challenging path. Perhaps the limitations and obstacles you face today are part of your journey -- you must overcome them to grow stronger on the path to achieving your goals.
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How Indifference Can Bring You Success

Here's a scenario I'm sure you're familiar with and I'm equally sure that it's caused you a truckload of frustration and dejection. And don't worry, you're not the only one it's happened to, it happens to millions of others and it happened to me too – on far too many occasions to include here.

Do you remember a time when you'd really had enough of your situation in life? Maybe you were sick and tired of servicing debt after debt. Perhaps you were bored with your job and had a burning desire to do something more exciting. Or maybe it was just something you wanted to do, a big adventure or learn a new skill or get together with someone you fancied like crazy.

You made your plan. It was detailed too, and you were absolutely determined that nothing would stop you. You had a burning desire to get what you wanted, to change your life for the better and enjoy the feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment success would surely bring.

To help you achieve your goals, you invested in self help books, courses and CD's. Maybe you attended a couple of seminars? You said your affirmations, you wrote down your goals and you recited them every morning and every night, just like all of the gurus say.
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Mistakes In Home Safety

We all want to feel more secure in our homes, especially in terms of protecting ourselves and our loved ones from harm and in preventing the loss or damage to our personal property. There are several areas in which people invest to make themselves feel more secure in their homes, but in doing so there are also several glaring mistakes that are made. Here are some of the areas in which home owners frequently trip up win the effort to feel secure.

The worst mistake that any home owner can make in protecting their homes is to feel overconfident in the measures they have put into place. Most of us cannot afford the time or the money it takes to install a foolproof security system, and only commercial properties with a vested interest would want to attempt this anyway. Therefore, any measures undertaken to secure a home will come with their limitations. Many security measures can act as prevention only in the deterrence of the entry of an unwanted person onto your property. Home security cameras are a good example here; if a potential thief sees a camera scanning your property, the odds are very good that he will not attempt foul play. 
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How to Defend Your Coffee Habit

I don’t think I’ve read a productivity blog yet that didn’t suggest kicking the coffee habit. I’ve kicked many bad habits in the last few years, something that seemed impossibly hard at first—such as dumping dairy—but coffee is one thing that I never succeeded with. That’s probably because I never really wanted to.
While it truly is best that you cut caffeine out of your diet or curtail your consumption, for many of us it’s the one thing we’ll hold onto even when making other drastic changes in our lives. Never fear—there are still many benefits to drinking coffee, and I’ll show you how to defend your manic addiction to the world when confronted by an overzealous stampede of crusading!

A Reduced Risk of Disease

Have you seen all those tea advertisements that claim it’s the best source of antioxidants? Apparently, coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet. Tea comes second. Of course, that’s a statistic measured on the level of consumption rather than the quality of the source.
Antioxidants prevent and slow disease and oxidative damage. When the body uses oxygen, the process creates harmful by-products that antioxidants destroy. This reduces the risk of disease and promotes optimal health.
This is one of the few benefits of coffee not derived from its caffeine content, so if you want to avoid high blood pressure or a heart attack, you can drink decaf without losing any health points—if you have a stomach strong enough to keep it down.
Counter-defense: fruits and vegetables are an even denser source of antioxidants.
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Leading Knowledge Workers: Avoid These 5 Leadership Sins

According to the latest studies, the average employee is delivering only 50% of what they are capable of offering to your organization. As a leader, you're frustrated by this lack of performance. You'd like to clone your high performers so you can become more results oriented like the entrepreneurial companies you see in the marketplace.

To capture the talents and potential of today's knowledge workers, you must recognize the dramatic rise in numbers of these employees. Knowledge workers are the individuals who use their 'brains' instead of their 'brawn' to get work done. These are the information specialists, researchers, marketing and sales experts whose talents drive the success of your business. To ensure high performance - you must manage these talented individuals differently than employees of the past. Their talents can help you take your business to the top. But like a spirited racehorse, they must be handled with care.
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Coffee Makers and Ebay are Perfectly Matched

Coffee goods and the ebay auction website are well suited to each other, with the technical assistance of ebay you will find thousands upon thousands of items that will help you enjoy the magical beverage. You may be saying to yourself, why on earth would you purchase used specialist coffee blends or glass coffee pots? well quite simply hundreds of coffee targeted goods are auctioned on ebay each day and a large number of items such as stainless steel coffee machines and coffee travel mugs are brand new and untouched.

Locate a section which is relevant to beverage and gourmet food and simply type in your particular item or items of focus, Now here's the real solution for picking up a bargain on ebay, Say you are hunting for a Jamaican Coffee product don't just type that into the ebay search field, try as many coffee related searches as you can because someone selling merchandise such as antique coffee spoons or Coffee grinder blades may possibly have more than just one coffee product on their merchandise list.
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Motivation Is The First Step To Success

You will undoubtedly have dreams. Whether you dream of having the perfect house with the perfect car, or you dream of settling down to have a family, even if you dream of retiring by the time you're 40, the one key to success is doing something about it. It may sound obvious but if you dream of retiring before you reach 40 and yet you aimlessly skip from job to job with no hope of progressing a career, it is very unlikely you will achieve your goal.

Set goals and ambitions and write them down on a piece of paper. Make sure that you are always striving to reach those goals. Sometimes it can be difficult to get the motivation you require in order to succeed at your goals but you can use the goals themselves as the motivation you require. Keep your piece of paper on you and if you are beginning to feel downbeat or skeptical about your goals then look at your piece of paper and remember why you are pushing yourself.
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Divination Without Being Psychic

When we think about spiritual inquiring and divination, we often think that one needs to be psychic in order to do so. Well, that is not true.

If one is not psychic, how does one clarify spiritual-based queries about oneself? There are 2 methods that I know of, namely Applied Kinesiology and Pendulum Reading.

Using Applied Kinesiology or Muscle testing, it is possible to ask our own body and the soul/mind questions and get 'Yes' or 'No' responses. Applied Kinesiology works by gauging the reaction of certain muscle after asking the intended question. A strong response from the muscle means a 'Yes', while a 'No' will elicit a weak reaction. Uncertainty to a question will also yield a 'No' or weak response.

Applied Kinesiology can be performed alone or with the help of an assistant. One of the easiest way to muscle test is to use the arms.
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